Principal Message

It gives me earsplitting pleasure to pleasure you to the website of Indira Gandhi Rajkeeya Mahila Mahavidyalaya-Raebareli. Indira Gandhi Rajkeeya Mahila Mahavidyalaya was conceived years ago once a desire to make a beacon for juvenile years the kings and queens, who are Morally upright, Socially Responsible, and active human beings. We declare you will that in this global scenario, learning has to go greater than the confines of a classroom having a wider spectrum and building a world even if values and principles flourish. We meet the expense of that each child is a unique commencement of God and at Indira Gandhi Rajkeeya Mahila Mahavidyalaya we find the maintenance for a platform to the children to unravel their own strength and related. I can, I shall, I will, is the punch heritage for all students of this scholastic, as they find all pedestal a stepping stone to competence, therefore making their Alma Mater unfriendly today and for eternity.

It is the duty of entire society to create this environment, in which the young generation's role is prime and cannot be overlooked, as they are the era changing figures.

  I extend my gratitude to all my parents for the trust placed in us and we see toward their constant child support & recommendation in all again endeavors. As we do two decades of impact vibes education at Indira Gandhi Rajkeeya Mahila Mahavidyalaya We plan the blessing of the Lord just nearly the subject of the whole Indira Gandhi Rajkeeya Mahila Mahavidyalaya Family.

Prof. Dr. Sushma Devi

       (IGGDC Principal)